Foreigners Recruitment(SSW) & Registered Support Organization

Taking advantage of the overseas connections cultivated through the tropical fruit business over many years since 1970s, we start a business to introduce foreign human resources to Japan companies.

Foreigner Recruitment (SSW) and Registration Support Organization Business

Recruitment Agency licensed by MHLW Certificate Number: 13-ユ-316728
Address:1-7-7, Shimotakaido, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
Registration Support Organization licensed by ISA Certificate Number: 24登-010105
Address:2-2-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo

Status of Residence

❶ SSW(Specified Skilled Workers)
❷ ESI(Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services )


Diamond Star Corporation Business Dept.

: +81-3-3213-0213
: +81-3-3213-0006